drag reduction mechanism中文什么意思

发音:   用"drag reduction mechanism"造句
  • drag:    vt. (-gg-) 1.拖,曳;拖 ...
  • reduction:    n. 1.缩小,减少;降级,降位;( ...
  • mechanism:    n. 1.(机械)结构;机械装置[作 ...
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  1. Experimental investigation of drag reduction mechanism over compliant wall and multi - scale coherent structure control in turbulent boundary layer
  2. ( 4 ) the drag reduction of plane - surfaces with v - shaped grooves is given out by direct numerical simulation , and the drag reduction mechanism in the base of the secondary flow theory is suggested
    ( 4 )利用直接数值模拟方法求得平板上v ?型条纹表面上的降阻情况,并给出基于二次流动理论的降阻机理。
  3. The drag reduction of riblet biomimetic non - smooth surface is given out by numerical simulation with cfx . through analysis of velocity vector field and velocity fluctuation this article probe into drag reduction mechanism of unsmooth surface . through analysis of behavior of single microbubble and turbulent kinetic energy this article indicate drag reduction mechanism of microbuble


  1. drag reductio 什么意思
  2. drag reduction 什么意思
  3. drag reduction by polymer 什么意思
  4. drag reduction by polymers 什么意思
  5. drag reduction cowling 什么意思
  6. drag reduction method 什么意思
  7. drag rescue 什么意思
  8. drag resistance 什么意思
  9. drag resistance coefficient 什么意思
  10. drag ring 什么意思


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